In the Interest of L.S. and Matter of the S.F. Trust. — Greeley's Probate, Estate, and Family Law Lawyers and Attorneys | Gant Law
Gant Law is Greeley's premier probate, estate, family law, and criminal defense attorney serving Greeley, Windsor, Fort Collins, Loveland and throughout all of Colorado | 970-368-3687 to schedule a consultation.

Gant Law


In the Interest of L.S. and Matter of the S.F. Trust.

Our client came to us concerned about a Guardian and Trustee who was misrepresenting information to the Court and refusing to share information with beneficiaries. Through our client’s resolve and strength and our office’s thorough investigation, due diligence review, and discovery techniques, we learned that the Trustee had committed several serious breaches of both the Guardianship and Trust…..